Weekly Poll – Tell Us Who To Interview

Rooster Mic

For the past 6 months, the #WeeklyWebstey has brought you interviews with a mixed bag of triathletes. From short-course Olympians, to long-course champions, the number one goal is always to make it interesting for you, the audience. Here is a list of past interviewees:

Team Wurtele Sarah Piampiano Cam Brown
Katie Zaferes Jake Montgomery Kyle Jones
Non Stanford Sam Warriner Braden Currie
Luke McKenzie Corinne Abraham/
Stefan Schmid
Brent McMahon

Now is your chance to help take the guesswork out of this process, and tell me who you want to hear from. More ITU athletes? Long course stars? Up-and-comers, or top athletes – or maybe you’d like to hear from some non-athlete industry players? Vote here, and head to the comments section below to get more pacific.


photo credit: Good morning, dear listeners! via photopin (license)

About the Author

Aaron 'King of All Technology' Webstey is a former ITU triathlete and current dadbod owner. If your social media posts have been 'liked' by @AaronWebstey, you might be a triathlete.